The date is September 19,2009. The place is King Kirkland, Ontario, the event is the Rodgers Backyard Jam. This is a yearly event that is sponsored by Dave and Joanne Rodgers of King Kirkland, a small community just a mile or two east of Kirkland Lake in Northeastern Ontario.
The Rodgers family is a very talented musical family with two daughters and one son as well as a number of grandchildren in the growing stage for awhile.
Their son, Daryl is a musician, not to be ignored, as he and four other musicians make up a bluegrass band called Canucky Bluegrass Boys,

out of Sudbury, Ontario. These boys have just recorded their first CD called "Standin' Up". I bought a copy of their cd and must say that I enjoy it very much, of course one of my favourite
styles of music is bluegrass or gospel bluegrass.

The Rodgers Homestead is located at the end of a back street in King Kirkland and is somewhat isolated from the main flow of traffic and the highway going through the village. Dave has a saw mill on his property beside the house and some acres of bush just past the saw mill. All of this area has been developed so that people can bring in their campers to stay overnight while they

enjoy the entertainment of the backyard jam
The Rodgers have a nice entrance that reminds me of a schene from an English carnival with the little footbridge and striped tents for the people to sit under for shelter from the sun and rain.

This is a neat little alley taking us from the entrance footbridge to the arena( the area where the music comes from) in front of the music stage.

The whole area is a little rustic in theme
with the priveys off to the side of the back yard
as well as a fire ring for a large warm bonfire to keep the people warm on the cool nights that are common at this time of year. The fire ring also supplies a place for the guys from the "Hot Stove League" to gather and share their tall tales.

Here is the start of the Rodgers' camping area with lots of privacy for each camper but the campers can still stay around their unit and enjoy the music coming from the house so if they are body tired, they can relax and still hear the music at the same time.

One very important item is the sign posting the name of the program as you can see, this is in case one is so tired or out of shape that they can't figure out that they are at the Rodgers Backyard Jam. This structure is part of the main stage, just off to the right in this picture.

Here is a very important part of any event, it is the food stand, with hamburgers,octoberfest sausages, coffee, pop, hot dogs and water. Their prices are quite reasonable as well, plus the food is good.

This is a stand that was set up to display items for sale from the musicians who are playing here today.
The following pictures are of the entertainers, I will try to identify those that I can but there were some, whom I do not know so I apologize for this.

The Canucky Bluegrass Boys

Reverend David Naylor,Dave Rodgers, and their musicians getting ready to play.