Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Santa Clause Parade

November 27, starting at 7 pm. Kirkland
Lake is being host to Santa Clause for a kids favorite, "The Santa Clause Parade".
The weather was good, very little snow and not too cold.

For a change, the Katimavit group helped
the Salvation Army to collect food for their food bank. The people at the Army collect and distribute food to the needy all year round but this year
the demand has been considerably
higher than in other years. Katimavit walked along the sides of the street with baskets gathering donations for the Salvation Army. Katimavit is a group of young people from across the country who go to different communities volunteering in different ways to help out around the communities.

There were many floats, well decorated for the occasion and colorful costumes to
fit the season. Many local businesses and
organizations were represented by floats.

Of course, last but not least, came Santa Clause and his elves on the antique fire engine. This is the topping on the cake, especially for the young and young-at- heart!!

This has not too much to do with the parade, but I noticed that there was a light display on top of the group of buildings at the TD Canada Trust building. I tried to take a picture of it but this is what the camera produced as the light from the flash hit the flakes of snow gently falling. This reminds me of the peace that was over the world on the night that Jesus was born, many,many years ago.
And to one and all a good night.
Wilf Blakey

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Celebration of Life

The date is November 25,2009 and the locations are the Post Office and the Legion in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. I believe the purpose of the event is to celebrate or commenorate the life and passing of citizens who have lived and died in and around our town. The whole event has been organized by Mrs Betty Smallwood of the Kirkland Lake District Hospital. Mrs Smallwood is with the Palliative Care department of our hospital so she gets very close to people who are suffering with illnesses and other problems which cause death.
There was a service at the Legion at 6 pm and everyone was asked to come to the Post Office to see the lighting of the Christmas lights on the big evergreen tree on the front lawn of the PO. There were candles handed out, which everyone lit as a commenoration, and the crowd held them up high while Pastor Naylor said a prayer and led the countdown until all of the colorful strings of Christmas lights came to life.
After the countdown , the people were invited to go to the Legion for hot chocolate and refreshments as well as a Christmas Carol singtime.

Mrs Dave Naylor was the pianist for the carol sing time held at the Legion after the tree lighting ceremony at the Post Office.

Of course Mrs Naylor's husband, Dave, was the leader during the singtime with requests being asked for favourite Christmas carols.Dave is the pastor of the Wesleyan Northern Lights church in Larder Lake.

Mr Harvey Delport, lay minister of the Presbyterian Church, helped with suggestions of carols and encouraging people to request their carols that they desired.

Mr Naylor, Betty Smallwood and Sharon Hocevar, led the people in carol singing for an enjoyable time.
After the singing was over, everyone gathered up and went home to carry on with their lives and whatever they still had to do.
This is only one of the seasonal events which the people of Kirkland Lake participate in around the Christmas season.
Wilf Blakey

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I have decided to make a little short article on my blog. There are a few parts of it that maybe a lot of readers are not aware of. Some of them are what I would call an active part of the blog but others are just there for entertainment.
On the left side I have a section labelled FOLLOWERS, this lists and sometimes shows some of the people who read my blog and must enjoy it enough that they might come back again to check on future developments.
Below that I have a section on blogs that I like to read and find most interesting. You will notice that most of them pertain to RV'ing as I enjoy this activity greatly and would like to do it on a full time basis if it were possible.
The next item is the Quotation of the day, I have found that on other people's blog that have an item like this, that I seem to be drawn to see what the "thought for the day" or the "Groaner corner" has to say today. This quotation is in a list of gadgets available in the Blogger program that I use to blog.
The next is a series of pictures of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). I hope some people like to see the display of colorful lights that we have in Northern Canada. Since we live at the 48th parallel we do get a nice display of this lighting display.
The last item on this side bar is a description of myself so my readers will get a chance to know a little about the author.
There are a few other parts that I have attempted to install but due to the fact that I am not a computer programmer or anything close to that, then I am not completely successfull in these attempts but in the future that could be different.
I believe that this is all that I have to add to my little description and will go back to work for a change.
Wilf Blakey

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A new blog on the block

I just got word today that Wilson Kindred, of "A Liviing Way Ministries" of Kirkland Lake, has just started a new blog for his ministry. It is about himself, Evan (his sidekick) and his wife, Sharon. This couple travels around the country preaching and entertaining in churches and many other areas. The URL of his blog is This blog is an introduction to his people and what his ministry does as they travel around the country to all of the different places.
I do hope that you will visit their website and see what they are doing.
Wilf Blakey