As I mentioned in my story on the Home Show, one of the first people I met was a friend of mine, John Gagnon of Timiskaming Furniture. He invited me to come over to his store for a visit after the show was over. I told him that today was not a good day but I did make it on the following Monday and here is an account of my visit to Timiskaming Furniture of Kirkland Lake.

Here we are at the front of the furniture store on a nice sunny warm afternoon in May. John has a nice large sign above his store so people won't miss his place. He also has a large window in the front setup with a beautiful display of sofas. The next thing to do is to enter the store and see what we shall see.

Here we are inside the store at Timiskaming
Furniture onGovernment Rd W in Kirkland
Lake, John has a nice arrangement of
comfortable sofas all set up ready for a party.
The only things missing are the people, music and the refreshments.

As we look down towards the office, we see a nice
selection of chesterfields, coffee tables,side tables
and lamps. There are many different fabrics, colors and patterns to choose from.

Upstairs we go to see what is on the second floor. Oh, just what we need. That old bed we have been sleeping on for many years has been getting rather hard and lumpy, time for a new one. These look comfortable and look like a good size to fit our room.
Hmmm, I see more behind me here. These are

very fancy, just like the ones we see in some of the old time movies from years ago, especially those seen in the mansions in the Old South of "Gone with the Wind". Now I have to make up my mind as to which one I would really want. Oh, well, I have to remember that our bedroom is not really big enough for a poster bed so I had better be satisfied for one of the first group, after all they do give a good comfortable night's sleep!

Last but not least, John has a nice selection of dining room sets with table, chairs and china cabinets. Here is a nice brightly coloured set of wooden chairs, etc. I think they look excellent in almost any dining room setup. I even saw a set of table and chairs that must have been made for a very tall family as the table height seemed to be almost 8 to 10 inches higher than what I believe to be the normal height.

As we come down the stairs again we see more chesterfields, tables and lamps on display. We did stop to chat with John and his men for a few minutes but decided that time was going fast and we had better finish our tour and not be late for our supper at home.We are heading towards the back door to see what is hiding at the back.

Now I see! The white goods are sitting in a huddle, waiting for people to come and ask to take them home. There are washer, dryers, stoves, refrigerators and even a microwave oven. I believe that it has been worthwhile to come and explore around John's store and I do thank you for the invitation to come and visit. Why don't you come into Timiskaming Furniture and try out an appliance or piece of furniture for your home. I'm sure you won't be sorry!
Wilf Blakey
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