The date is November 25,2009 and the locations are the Post Office and the Legion in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. I believe the purpose of the event is to celebrate or commenorate the life and passing of citizens who have lived and died in and around our town. The whole event has been organized by Mrs Betty Smallwood of the Kirkland Lake District Hospital. Mrs Smallwood is with the Palliative Care department of our hospital so she gets very close to people who are suffering with illnesses and other problems which cause death.
There was a service at the Legion at 6 pm and everyone was asked to come to the Post Office to see the lighting of the Christmas lights on the big evergreen tree on the front lawn of the PO. There were candles handed out, which everyone lit as a commenoration, and the crowd held them up high while Pastor Naylor said a prayer and led the countdown until all of the colorful strings of Christmas lights came to life.
After the countdown , the people were invited to go to the Legion for hot chocolate and refreshments as well as a Christmas Carol singtime.

Mrs Dave Naylor was the pianist for the carol sing time held at the Legion after the tree lighting ceremony at the Post Office.
Of course Mrs Naylor's husband, Dave, was the leader during the singtime with requests being asked for favourite Christmas carols.Dave is the pastor of the Wesleyan Northern Lights church in Larder Lake.

Mr Harvey Delport, lay minister of the Presbyterian Church, helped with suggestions of carols and encouraging people to request their carols that they desired.

Mr Naylor, Betty Smallwood and Sharon Hocevar, led the people in carol singing for an enjoyable time.
After the singing was over, everyone gathered up and went home to carry on with their lives and whatever they still had to do.
This is only one of the seasonal events which the people of Kirkland Lake participate in around the Christmas season.
Wilf Blakey

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