Today is September 12,2012. We had a surprise email yesterday from a fellow blogger, Ivan, from Sundre, Alberta, Canada.

Ivan has been traveling across Canada from Alberta to Newfoundland with his cat, Hailey. I have been following Ivan's blog "Roadtrip 2012" as he has gone from Alberta to the East coast and now is heading back home again. We had contact with Ivan earlier when he was passing around Thunder Bay and on through Ontario. We had invited the two of them to stop in on their way east if it was okay with them but that was not to be. I read all of his adventures, including a trip on the ocean with Hailey and some of his friends. I got to see the scenery of the Maritime provinces as he moved around them, also a trip on the ferry over to Newfoundland. I had heard about the ferry ride from some of our friends, who have a bus ministry across Canada and have been to Newfoundland and the Maritimes twice in the last year or two.
When I first found out about Ivan, I realized that he does have a cat and by chance his cat looks quite similar to our Morris even to a similarity in color. When we got Morris last December, I emailed Ivan and told him about Morris and we started up a little conversation between Morris and Hailey. We have had many chuckles as we passed comments back and forth about the two cats as though they were long lost cousins. In fact, this week when Ivan emailed us to say that he was headed our way, he said that Hailey was planning on coming our way to "hiss" at Morris and we expected Morris to "hiss" at Hailey as well. The conversation has carried on in this manner as we have enjoyed our nonsense and fun.

Monday of this week, we noticed that Morris had developed a rather large bare spot on his throat from him either licking himself or scratching himself with his paws to the point that he has a rather bare area below his chin. We decided to remove his harness and flea collar just to be sure that they wouldn't cause more grief. We also took him to the vet for treatment of this situation. When we brought him home, he had a sore rump from an antibiotic injection and also a halo to stop him from licking his bare spot or scratching it and causing more trouble. When Ivan emailed us yesterday, we told him about Morris' problem. When he emailed back he stated that according to Hailey "Morris looks silly with the collar".
Time passes very fast these days as we notice that the day starts rather early and before we realize the time has flown by without even seeing it. It was time for the duo to move on and Elizabeth and I had to get ready for a supper engagement at the local restaurant to celebrate two birthdays ( mine and Joe -our oldest daughter's boyfriend).

As we moved from the house to Ivan's truck camper, we had a chance to view the interior of his camper and compare it to one that we had many years ago but smaller. I asked Ivan if he would show us his miniature remote controlled helicopter that flies and takes pictures with a digital camera. It is a very nice machine and definitely not just a toy.
Of course no visit is complete without showing off our own new camper, which we purchased in June of this year.I had been chatting with Ivan about our new motorhome so I just had to show if off and show off we did.
I received another email from Ivan saying that he was heading towards Timmins and was staying at a Provincial Park in that area.
Ivan has travelled into the United States for part of the winter to escape the cold winter weather. He has been as far south as Arizona, New Mexico and other states in that area. This is a man who has travelled around and has the time and opportunity to do so. Ivan worked for Parks Canada and is now retired from the work force.
Thank you Ivan and Hailey for visiting us today and will gladly enjoy any visit that might happen again in the future. Safe travels and have a joyous future.
Wilf, Elizabeth, and Morris Blakey
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