I was looking around on my computer this morning and found that it was acting rather slow and difficult, not wanting to do what it was designed to do. The other day, I wanted to download some pictures from my camera and even though I went through the proper channels to do the job, it would not behave itself. The computer didn't even admit that it has a
USB port to hook up to some outboard accessories, such as cameras, memory sticks, etc. I tried all of the things that I normally use to make my slave answer the call to duty, including putting it to sleep for a minute or so but no such luck. Finally, I started up my new cleaning program called Advanced System Care, a recommendation from my dear brother. As it went through its procedure of checking (Diagnosing) the system optimization, Security Defense (to prevent and remove spy ware), Disk De fragment (sorting and organizing the hard drive files into neat configurations) and Security Analyzing ( checking and sorting out hijacked settings). After this is tested and repaired it goes on to MAINTENANCE where it tests for Spy ware (spy ware and ad aware- a form of virus), Registry Fix (corruption in the Registry files- the part where the computer looks for its operating instructions), Privacy Sweep ( erasing all records of activity history) and Junk Files Clean up( getting rid of excessive baggage.
All of the above sounds like a lot of
gobbledy gook to any one not knowing much about computer technology but they do have a very important position in computer workings. If you really stop to think about it, the computer operation and non operation is very similar to the workings of the human body and mind. When we don't feel well we usually go to see the doctor and let him DIAGNOSE our body or mind for problems and possible viruses or germs. After finding the results of these tests, the medical team perform whatever is needed to get rid of these malefactors to clear up the infections. As I mentioned in a previous paragraph, my computer wouldn't recognize the
USB port because of a bad thing that entered into my computer and lodged in the memory somewhere and blocked the path way that leads to the
USB port so there was no signal going through there or maybe redirecting it somewhere else instead. After I did the care thing, this path was straightened up and worked okay afterwards. The program even checked the disk
defragment to improve the speed and efficiency of the computer by organizing the files on the
hardrive so that all of the parts of the programs were lined up and organized in an orderly fashion so the computer doesn't have to look all over the hard drive to find a program. We know what it is like to want a tool and look all over the house, garage and shop only to find that we left it in the car on the last trip of the summer last year. Another thing that is checked is Hy jacked settings done by some bad gremlins from the Internet coming into screw up the nice organized confusion of our units so the keyboard asks for one thing and the computer does something else or doesn't do anything at all.
This can also be applied to our normal or not so normal lives as we carry on day in and day out doing our things, working to make money, paying the bills, trying to make a living. Some times we get tired of doing the everyday hum drum so we go adventuring, maybe to the casino for a few quick bucks made by playing craps. As we start to play the game, it lets us win a little but later, the tables turn and we start losing but we are determined to get out money back. This determination starts eating at our soul as we throw more money on the table to try to win back our losses but it never does happen so what is the end result? Addiction to gambling and bankruptcy. Oh, well it was fun while it lasted, but was it really fun after all when you drag yourself home with empty pockets and the nagging knowledge that you still have a big stack of bills to pay and no money to do it, maybe not even enough money to buy food for the table next week. Now what have I got myself into? This is a prime example of diseases and obsessions that mankind has been prone to but he will not admit it because he is his own man and able to live his own life according to his own plan. Or is HE??????? If God were allowed to entered the events of his life then these mistakes would not have happened. Just think about it.
The last thing or topic is called MAINTENANCE which is not fixing things but keeping things fixed after all of the cost and work of repairing whatever is wrong. Again this thing called Spy ware is checked and removed ( I believe that it is a gremlin that invades the computer and takes information from your stored files as well as planting nasty programs to do tasks that their inventors are planning to do damaging our programs to their benefit). The Registry file is a file of instructions telling the computer what and how to do things but when you try to throw a wrench into a gear box, pieces fly all over and their is a lot of grinding heard. The Registry is like the gear box and the pests from the Internet are the wrenches thrown inside.
Isn't it nice when we can go here or go there and come back home without our neighbours asking us what we were doing at such and such a place over the last few days because they know where we went and what we were doing? This is called Privacy and is a privilege given to all people but when hackers get into our computers and find our private stuff it is not so nice. This program will erase all traces of old activity so there is very little left to be exposed to outsiders.
The last but not the least is the Junk Files Cleaner. As you all know, we tend to be pack rats whether we like to admit it or not as we store junk as we go along and first thing you know we have 10 tons of junk in our store room in the back of the house so what does one do about this? Get rid of it, and all things are lighter and quicker to react or work so that is what this program does also. The whole end result is that our machines act like they were almost brand new with the speed they had when new.
We can also put this aspect in line with God's maintenance plan as He guides us in our paths so we won't stray very far off course before you get the
wake up call to turn one way or the other and straighten up.
This has been a long discourse on computers and bugs, not really the whole meaning of this posting but an observation I have realized lately. As we go through life, we tend to go our own merry way doing things and getting involved in activities, relationships and involvements in life that are not really desirable, especially to our God. He has designed us to come onto the Earth to be born, grow up, mature, to learn and become proficient at something or other. We get sidetracked by all sorts of things like smoking, drinking, and the list goes on. As we do these things, our resources such as money, health, mental capacities and capabilities suffer as we go down hill from our original path and so does our enjoyment of life. When we are in school, we see some special lady that takes our eye and figure she would make an excellent wife but if you get involved in drugs and spend all of your money and health on this addictive thing, then I can guarantee that the marriage and life that you really desired with the apple of your eye is not going to happen or if it does then it will not survive. Even if you stay clear of these addictions and grow up lusting for the biggest and fastest car ( like a Maserati) it will create an obsession to make enough money to buy this or that and the trend continues. The same happens with careers and many more things.
If we were to get acquainted with our creator God early in life, then I can pretty well guarantee that our lives will be better, more worthwhile and profitable ( maybe not in the normal sense but in ways that will show themselves as better than money). The pleasures given us in a healthy, non addictive lifestyle will more than make up for what we are giving up. I have never seen us going short because we decided to go to church and give our 10% to God instead of going to the Bingo on Saturday or hoarding it to ourselves in the bank which gives us such little interest anyway. The pleasure is much better I can guarantee.
I hope that I have given you a little enlightenment on our lives compared to a similar situation we see everyday and no doubt if you are like myself, are aggravated by the garbage that infests our computers each and every day of our lives.
These are my thoughts.
Wilf Blakey