He is Risen
It is now Sunday, the third day after Jesus was crucified on the cross. All of His disciples were discouraged by His death, He seemed to be such a good, powerful person to let the priests, scribes, etc put Him to death. Such an awfull ending to a wonderful life that we knew about Jesus.
Early in the morning Mary Magdelene and the other Mary came to Jesus grave, no
doubt to start preparing Jesus for His proper burial with spices and wrappings for the body. When they were on their way, they were discussing how they would get the big stone moved away from the door. As they approached the cave, they felt an earthquake which had been caused by an Angel from Heaven coming down to earth to move the stone from the door of the tomb. The two Marys saw that the stone was rolled away already and an Angel dressed in shiny white clothes was sitting on top of the stone. The Angel spoke to the women and told them not to worry for their Lord and Saviour, Jesus had indeed risen from the dead and was heading into Galilea ahead of them.
The two ladies were heading into Jerusalem to tell the disciples that Jesus had come back to life again but Jesus met them on the way and commanded them to go the disciples and tell them that Jesus had risen and will meet with them later.
Meanwhile the guards raced into Jerusalem to meet with the priest to tell them what had happened at the tomb. When the priests heard their story they gave a lot of money to the soldiers and told them the story they were to give to anyone asking about the lack of a body in the tomb. They were to say that the disciples had come and stolen the body of Jesus in the night and that is what has been told since that day.
Two of the disciples were walking to Emmaus (a town near Jerusalem) when Jesus came along to walk with them, the disciples didn't realize that it was Jesus. These
men were talking about the events of the previous days and Jesus was asking them questions about these events as though He knew nothing about the events. When they finished with the story, Jesus started to reprove the men for their lack of knowledge of the scriptures which told of His coming to earth, growing up as an ordinary man, ministering to the masses,healing the sick, raising the dead and then in the end,dying on the cross, a criminal's death at the hands of the religious leaders of the day. Shortly after the men approached the village they were destined to go to, and started to enter it. Jesus appeared as though He was going on but the men encouraged Him to go in with them and stay overnight. All of the men sat down at the table to eat, Jesus took the bread, blessed it and broke it. After He finished this, the men's eyes were opened and they realized that this man was indeed Jesus, risen from the dead. Just as that happened, Jesus disappeared.
As they pondered over these events, they felt that they should return to Jerusalem to tell the eleven disciples about their sighting of their Saviour and returned to Jerusalem.
We will see what happens in the Life and Times of our Risen Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Continued tomorrow.
Wilf Blakey
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