This is a news article as it would have been written back in the time of Jesus, if there were newspapers like those of today.
This series of events took place in a city in Israel, called Jerusalem. Jesus Christ was with his apostles talking and they were asking him about the Passover celebration and where it would be held. Now you see Jesus and his crew had no place or residence of their own so one could almost call them vagrants or whatever word you would use but the truth was that they were traveling missionaries in the land.
Jesus told his men to go to the town and look for a man carrying a pitcher of water. they were to follow him to his place and ask him to let them use his guest chamber. Here the apostles were to prepare the feast for their Master. Jesus and the remainder of his crew joined them here in a short while so they all could partake of the Passover meal that was part of the Jewish tradition.
When the men had finished eating, Jesus took off his robe and proceeded to wash the feet of his men. Next He startled them with a statement they did not expect. He said that one of them was going to betray Him and of course everyone was asking "Is it me?" and He replied it is one of you 12 men. Judas, one of Jesus' apostles and money bearer, departed from the scene and reported to the chief priests as he had already planned earlier.

Meanwhile back at the party, when the meal was over, Judas had left the party and reported to

In the meantime, Jesus had invited his apostles to follow him to Gethsamine so He could do some serious talking with His Father, God and that is what they did. While Jesus left them and walked a little distance to a private spot so He could pray, the apostles fell asleep instead of praying with Him. He prayed earnestly to God that He would not have to go through with this but if that is what the Father wanted then He was not going to be rebellious and refuse to do so. Finally, Jesus stopped praying and went back to join the others, whom He had to wake up. A crowd of soldiers and priests were marching very noisily towards them carrying swords and other weapons. Judas came forward and did his deed by giving Jesus a kiss as he had promised the priests that he would do and identify his master for them.
Well things were going downhill from that moment on as the guards were approaching Jesus to

The soldiers arrested Jesus and took Him into town to the High Priests house for further action.
To Be Continued-------------
Sorry for the disappointment but tune in tomorrow for the continuing Saga of the Easter Story
Wilf Blakey
Well done Wilf. I enjoyed this posting. Your choice of subject matter is very timely. You did a fine job on the Salvation army article.